Zebra Mussels

Zebra Mussels

Zebra Mussel Policy

In addition to tightly controlled boat access, it is best practice that anything that is in contact with another body of water should be kept out of lake Oconnee. If that is not possible, at a minimum, life jackets, floatation devices, toys, shoes, etc., should be thoroughly dried and quarantined in FULL SUNLIGHT for at least 7 days during the summer. Water on a life jacket or in a sand bucket, tackle box, lily pad, etc., may contain enough microscopic eggs to contaminate a lake. Once introduced Zebra mussel overtake lakes, clump together, and cover almost all surfaces, and make the beaches inhospitable. Zebra mussel may also fuel algae blooms, some of which can be toxic.

It is expected that without rigorous safeguards zebra mussel will eventually colonize most of the water in North America.

January73 days
February46 days
March29 days
April19 days
May7 days
June7 days
July7 days
August7 days
September7 days
October19 days
November29 days
December46 days
Chart for Quarantine Time